Well we had our arrival in Israel and our first night sleeping in Israel .

We were all settled in our
seats and the bus drove us north to the plains of Sharon . Our first stop was Caesarea .
Herod had made a great port there on the Mediterranean
for ships to stop at and unload their cargo, to resupply and have some shore
There was an arena built
there where they had chariot races and gladiators jousting with the backdrop
being the beautiful blue Mediterranean Sea .
The next stop was Mount Carmel where Elijah had an encounter with the priest
of Baal.

Next were the pastoral hills
of Galilee and a look at Mount Precipice overlooking the town of Nazareth . As you know this is the place where
the friends of Jesus and towns men took Jesus to throw him off the cliff.
On to the place of the
annunciation where Mary found out she was the chosen one of God to bring our
savior into the world.
Our tour day ended in Tiberius
where we would stay for two nights. A beautiful beach resort: Our rooms over looked
the beautiful Sea of Galilee .
The day was so blessed. We saw
some holy places where our Savior lived and grew up. It was hard to believe I was
really there.
The terrain was very rocky in
most places we visited. It was apparent that the people of that day had to be
strong to make a living.
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