Friday, March 2, 2018



Read Jeremiah 17: 7     blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is.

Sometimes I see people in dire circumstances and that can create a certain degree of fear.

Like the phone call in the middle of the night and that voice on the other end saying your child was in an accident. Or you received a message that this is the last check, we are closing our business.

If we are not rooted in the word, and have no concept of how to trust the Lord, you will go into panic mode. You can’t afford to do that. That can put you over into the area of depression.

 You get depressed you start to lose hope, and if not dealt with shortly it will go into hopelessness. Being depressed will cause stress. Lots of people today are living under so much stress until they can’t think straight.

They are focused on their circumstances. When you lose hope, faith doesn’t have anything to work on, hope is faiths foundation.  When you get depressed and lose hope, you try to do things in your own strength.

 Proverbs 3: 5   “trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding.”

 For some reason, if things don’t go our way, we get the mentality that God can’t, God won’t or God never will…We have applied that mindset to healing, prosperity and authority.

We must have spiritual faith to do what God has called us to do. If God says He can, He can. If His word says He will, He will.

You need to be rooted in God’s word to overcome circumstances in your life.    Phil 4: 19   but my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Put your hope in Jesus, righteousness will never fail.

Mat 11:30 My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.

Stop doing everything in your own strength, you will eventually fail. Stop saying what you are going to do. Turn to God and see what He will do. There is a promise and provision for every problem you might have, or will ever have. God loves you. Stay in tune to what plans He has for your life.  Things happen, they pass, God is for us and only wishes good for us. He is a Good and Loving Father. He wants us to lean on Him and to trust Him. I know I do every day. I can’t get through a day without the Father.

Stay in the word,
Bro Andy

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