Friday, September 21, 2018



Revelation 11:1-2   11 And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein.
But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.

At the close of Chapter 10, john was commissioned to prophesy about many people, nations, tongues and kings; About the events, about the gentiles and about two particular people, called the two witnesses. More is given about the king who rules nations and the residents of heaven.

The bible speaks of four temples in Jerusalem. The first two temples, Solomon’s and Herod’s, have already been built and destroyed. The final two temples, the tribulation temple and the millennial temple are yet to be built. They are spoken of in great detail in biblical prophecy.

When God begins to close out the age, he will focus his attention on Israel and the temple. As we go over this it is good to recall the old testament prophecies, there are several passages of scripture referring to the temple in the end time.

Jesus spoke of the abomination of desolation that Daniel the prophet spoke of. Indicating that at the end of time in the middle of the tribulation period a temple would be desecrated by the anti-Christ. In order for this to be fulfilled it must first be rebuilt. Paul predicted that the anti-Christ in the middle of the tribulation would defy God by sitting in the temple of God and presenting himself to the world as God.

In order for him to do this the temple has to be rebuilt. From this we learn that Israel will become the storm center of the world during the tribulation period. The nations of the earth will gather against Jerusalem. She will be captured and half of the Jewish people will flee to exile.

This struggle over Jerusalem and the temple will trigger the second coming of Jesus Christ and the battle of Armageddon. Israel is Gods weapon of battle and he will use her to break the nations in pieces.

The struggle over Jerusalem is already underway. The Palestinian authority says Jerusalem will be the capital of their new Palestinian state. However, Israel is moving to make Jerusalem their capital.

The Jews want to build their new temple on the same site two old testament temples were built. Solomon’s and Herod’s. The preparation plans and building plans, the garments, musical instruments, the menorah and more are all prepared and ready to go.

The problem is the Palestinians want to keep this same site for their existing Al-Aqsa mosque and dome of the Rock Mosque. They indicate that moving or tearing one or both of these religious buildings down will trigger world war three.

The anti-Christ will work out a temporary peace plan. The tribulation temple will be rebuilt, but Jerusalem and the tribulation temple will be in the line of fire until the second coming of Christ Jesus.

This temple must be rebuilt before the tribulation period midpoint, because that is when the anti-Christ will defile it. So it seems somewhat clear that the temple will be rebuilt during the first half of the tribulation period.

If the Muslims could stop the Jews from rebuilding the temple on the temple mount they would. The world leaders at this time will designate it as an international site to be shared by everyone.

John was given a reed and told to measure the tribulation temple. Measure the alter and count the worshipers. This is significant because in the last days the temple and one of its two original alters will be rebuilt. The rebuilt alter was called the alter of Gold or the alter of incense.

The alter was located inside the temple. The alter that will not be rebuilt was called the bronze alter. It will not be rebuilt because it was located outside in the outer court. The gentiles will rule the outer court.

Well until the next lesson, stay in the word, be ready for what God has planned for our lives.
Brother Andy.

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