Friday, October 5, 2018



Revelation 11:4    These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.

The reference to the two witnesses as being symbolized by the two olive trees and the two lampstands probably has reference of being empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Because the last seven years leading up to the second coming of Christ will be divided into two periods of 1,260 days each. There is some debate which of these two periods is in view here. The situation as described, however clearly corresponds to the great tribulation, when the holy place in the temple will be desecrated and the Jews will be under persecution.

In that time in the great tribulation where thousands have died as martyrs the two witnesses will emerge. They will not be able to kill the two witnesses, that will cause a new problem to immerge for those who are operating the world new government.

These two witnesses, obviously have unusual power, it will be comparable to the power of Elijah and some of the other prophets. They will be able to inflict plagues much as Moses did in Egypt. Because of the unusual character of these two witnesses a lot of speculation will arise as to just who they are.

The time will come when God is going to permit the witnesses to be overcome, but not before they have finished their testimony. They will be invincible. They will have supernatural powers from the word of God in their mouths. When their enemies try to harm them, their words will consume their enemies.

Their power will have unlimited power. They will be able to stop the rain from falling, turn water into blood, and smite the Earth with many different kinds of plagues. When the water turns to blood it will be unfit to drink and uninhabitable for the fish. There is no way of knowing what the other plagues they will do, but one thing is for sure this will not be the same Earth as we know it today.

Even though they will be supernaturally protected and nothing will harm them, they will be killed, the anti-Christ will hate these two witnesses. He will fail to cope with their condemnation of the world government, religion, social principles and the economic system. He will be infuriated when he hears them preaching about Jesus.

The Anti-Christ will be jealous of their number of converts. He will throw all his satanic governmental power at them. The witnesses will be overpowered and killed, but only because God allows it.

For three and one-half days their bodies will lay in the street, people from every tribe, language and nation will gaze on their dead bodies, these two prophets who had tormented them. They will refuse to bury them. The evil inhabitants of Earth will gloat over them and will celebrate by sending each other gifts.

Because of the medium of television people all over the earth will be able to see their dead bodies. Many can see things all over the world because of the satellites the media uses in real time.

This is one more indication that we are coming closes to the end of the age.  Without the satellites it would not have been possible for the entire world to witness what happens. The word tells us that all wi8ll witness it.

According to verse 10, people throughout the world will enjoy a Christmas like celebration giving and receiving gifts because these preachers of righteousness and holiness are now dead.

After three and a half days, God will put the spirit of life into them and they will stand up on their feet. Just as our Lord was crucified, died, and in three days rose from the dead so will these witnesses. The world saw these men slain, knew they laid in the street decaying for three days, they will see them resurrected hear the voice of God then a cloud will receive them out of sight.

It is no wonder that great fear fell upon them that saw the resurrection. It will be the final confirmation that they were men of God. This is yet another illustration that God does not forget his own.

Until our next lesson,
Stay ready, stay in the word,
Brother Andy

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